Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Late to Class

Today I came into class late because I had to take pictures for chorus. When I walked in, people who missed the pop quiz were taking it. After people finished taking the test we went through the correct answers. Mr. Schick would call n people who knew the answer but interrogate them to make them think they were wrong but really they were right. Once we were done with the pop quiz, we went on to take glorious notes. Mr. Schick decided to change it up and use Prezi instead of a normal power point. I thought it was pretty cool. We took notes on pyramids, the Nile River, and started taking notes on the daily life of Egyptian when the bell sounded the end of class.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Western Civ Class without Mr. Schick

Today we went to room 114 because Mr.Schick was sadly absent. When we got in the classroom we took random seats and talked. Once class started the female teacher, whose name I do not know, told us that the assignment is on the website. Before I checked the website the teacher told us the pages we had to read. The pages we had to read were 20-29 and if we didn't finish reading we had to do it for homework. Thankfully I finished it, the rest of the time I had left I started writing this blog. The reading was about Egypt, the title was The Land of the Pharaohs: Egypt. It talked about the multiple wives of a Pharaoh, Egypt separated into two sections, Upper and Lower Egypt, and how the Pharaoh was man and god.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Western Civ Class on 1/25

Sadly I just looked at my grades and found out that I forgot to write a blog for Friday's class, so now I'm doing that. Friday we went over what we knew about Prehistory. Once we went over what we knew we got a pop quiz which was not good because I did not know some answers. Once we took the pop quiz we continued on to learn LO-2. We finished up the power point about Mesopotamia. During the class Mrs. Ball came over the intercom, at that Mr. Schick hissed at the sound box, telling the students that school will be letting out 2 hours early due to snow. Once the students heard about that everyone started talking and Mr. Schick then told us to be quiet. Once the announcement ended some of the students asked to call their parents and he said no. After the excitement we all calmed down and focused back on class. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Western Civ. Class- Agricultural Revolution

Today was our third day of class. As we took our seats many of my classmates stated that the room was cold and asked to get the jackets. Once that occurred we got slightly off topic about weather and jackets. Once we got on track we discussed the largest populated area away from water is Indianapolis. The majority of highly populated areas are near or around large bodies of water such as lakes, bays, and oceans. After we gave up on trying to answer the question Mr. Schick told us the answer.  Once that was all settled we finished watching the movie about Agricultural Revolution with John Green. We concluded that thousands of years ago people were much healthier and stronger. Also before farming people had a lot more free time. Farming has advantages and disadvantages but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Western Civ. Class Day 2

Today was our second day of class. The first thing we did was discuss what we wrote about in our reports about Jared Diamond and his theory. We all agreed that Jared Diamond was on track with his theory of geographic luck. After discussing our reports we took about a page worth of notes about the agricultural revolution and humans thousands of years ago. Once we took notes about Chapter 1 we watched a video about the Agricultural Revolution. Mr. Schick played it twice for us, the first time we went through the movie without stopping it. Once we watched it once we replayed it and stopped during main points to make sure we understood. The movie was about how the world changed from hunting and gathering to technology and civilization throughout 15,000 years.  

Monday, January 21, 2013

Geographic Luck

                Jared Diamond was on track with his theory of geographic luck. In section LO-1 of our textbook there are multiple examples that support the theory. Throughout the world in the Paleolithic Age people lived as hunters and gathers to support themselves and family. Men and women both had essential roles in their communities to feed and protect themselves. Many of the roles still live on today. In the communities thousands of years ago women’s role were to gather crops and to tend to the children while the men went out to hunt. A revolution occurred that helped shape the world as we know it; the Agricultural Revolution. This revolution took place several times around the world. It allowed people to live in one area to grow foods and domesticate animals. The change allowed women to work from home such as caring for the children, cooking, tending small animals and farms.  Since the change men took on a larger role, feeding the family. Men were in charge of farming along with growing animals for meat. All of these changes has shaped the world we know.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

First Day of Western Civ. Class

Today was the first class for Western Civilization. The first thing we did in class was to go to Mr. Schick’s blog to see further directions, information, and homework that is due on Tuesday. After we looked at his blog, we made our own blog and emailed him the blogger account name so he has access to our page. Once everyone had successfully made their blog, Mr. Schick took attendance while assigning us our brand new textbook. Everyone had their own textbook that will be due back by the end of the semester. Once we got the book we wrote out name on the inside of the cover to insure that no one could take it and turn it in as their own. Then Mr. Schick reminded us of our homework assignments and the bell rung signaling the end of class.