Monday, February 11, 2013

Notes, Notes, Notes!

Today we accomplished a lot; we took tons of notes about the European barbarians (LO-1 Chapter 3). First we used the power point the company gave Mr. Schick with the textbooks then once we finished that power point we moved onto his own power point he made that had additional information that he though was important. BUT before we all started taking tons of notes we asked if our test were graded that we took on Friday and they were so we went onto Powerschool and checked them. He said the class's average score was about an 82%, not bad for our first test! Once we got into the notes we talked about the Stonehenge, a megalithic structure that is most famous built around 2000 B.C! We came to a conclusion after many minutes of discussion about how they built it that we don't know.  Some people believe that it was  aliens which makes absolutely complete sense for them to come put some rocks together, leave, and never come back.........alright sure, it was aliens. Then we moved onto some more notes!

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