Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Movie and Review

We finished watching the movie about Rome and then had a debate about Tiberius Granicus. The Senate wanted to kill him because they believed Tiberius wanted to become king which is the worst possible thing a person could do since everyone was against dictatorship. We were debating if the few men with the most power told the Senate that Tiberius wanted to become king that way he wouldn't get any power and the people would turn against him or did Tiberius actually want complete (absolute) power. I believe that Tiberius wanted to truly help the people but once he got a taste of power he wanted more but not to the extent the Senate thought. Then we talked about North Korea and the life there and how strict it is there. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Movie Time

Today in class we didn't discuss anything we started watching videos about Rome that the BBC (British broadcasting) made. Overall the movies were really good and informative. Everything that was said actually happened and wasn't made up or wrong so that's always good. We watched the videos up to the 6th one...I think. Then we stopped and went to advisory.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

New Attitude

So Friday we went over the class averages for the quest we took on Wednesday. Overall we didn't do well, our class average was like a 76....not the best. Mr.Schick didn't really yell at us for not doing our best but gave us an inspirational pep talk about closing the school year like we started it. We went over the quest and got the right answers. We got distracted a lot which kinda annoyed me since I wanted to know the correct information before class time ran out. We did however finish reviewing it with the interruptions.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Quest Today

Today we had a few extra minutes before the quest to review our notes. We got the test and I think I did ok on......there were a few questions that I didn't quite understand so I made an educated guess. We were the first ones to take it which was ok I guess. After we finished the quest we just hung out and talked. It was a pretty uneventful class, nothing too exciting happened. We were assigned reading for homework that is due on Friday so I'll probably do half of the reading tonight and the other half tomorrow night.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


So we started out watching a video of a chariot race that was NOT computer animated it was all stunt men and actors....that's pretty cool! After we finished watching the movie to see how the chariot races were, we continued on to review. We got our textbooks out...for those that had them...and started reading voluntarily...even though I didn't volunteer to read and still did....while ever one was scrambling to take notes I just highlighted what he though was important in the book. Mr.Schick told us we have a quest tomorrow (quiz/test)...great! I kinda wish we had a little more advance notice that way I can be extra prepared since we won't be able to use our blogs. We finished up reviewing and had about 5-10 minutes left in class so we got to relax a little till we could leave to go home. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Video Watching and Reviewing

Today we had class first mod which isn't always good since it's a Monday morning and we're all tired. We started out watching the music videos we created that went along with the rap he made about Rome.  The majority of the class made the video but me and another group only did a part of it. I think I might have gotten a little extra for the small portion of work I did. After having the first 20 mins watching videos and just relaxing we got right to work on reviewing what we learned in the rap. We didn't finish reviewing when the class ended signaling a long advisory.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


So in class Mr.Schick broke the news that we won't be finishing our music video because there has been too many problems and it's taking to long. He did say that we could finish the video and turn it in as extra credit....not sure if I'm going to do that....depends on how much it's worth. Once we established that we started taking notes about Rome and just overall reviewing what we learned from the rap and reading. I think the rap helped a lot to remember what he is teaching....plus he might have a career in rapping. We didn't finish reviewing when the bell rang so I assume we'll finish up when we get back to school on Monday.

More rapping

So I forgot to blog last night so I'm doing it now. Yesterday we had a sub because Mr.Schick had to leave early for an academic competition...I think...ANYWAY while he was gone we continued to work on our rap and we actually got a lot done even though we only have a minute of the song done and the song is 10 minutes long! My partner left early so I tried to work on it without her but I didn't want to exclude her from it so I just did a few more pictures.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Movie Making

Today we started discussing things we were going to do in class. We were going to make a video for Mr.Schick's rap he did about Rome but the internet was down for the first half of class. Once the internet started working we got right to work with our partners. My partner is Rachel who is my really close friend that I met during the musical for John Carroll. Back to what we did in class now that I got side tracked....we had a little trouble figuring out how to put the pictures into the sound but after a few minutes we figured it out. Tomorrow we are going to continue working on the project and hopefully finish!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Pixton Project

Today in class we got right to work with our partners for the project we're making on Pixton. We had to create a comic strip about Romulus and Remus, twins that we left by their parents and found by a she wolf at a river.  After a little while a shepard came and took them. The brothers then grew up and wanted to create a city. They fought over where to create it and in the end one of the twins, Remus, died. Romulus founded the city and named it Rome. Overall the story was just a myth about how Rome was created. I though it was fun making the comic strips but it was kinda hard figuring it out. My partner and I finished right when the bell rung.
Link to comic:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Featuring Shickago

Instead of the usual class we had a concert featuring Schickago and his side rapper (actually his daughter, Martha). They did a remix of Low but created their own lyrics to the song to make it educational and all about Rome (the topic we are on know)! Many of the my classmates took videos of the awesome performance on their IPhones while I sat there because I don't have an IPhone. I kind of forget the rest of the class because I was so star struck I got to meet Schickago. I remember! We started discussing more of LO-1 and that Mr.Schick won't be there for the next 2 days since he will be going on tour...but not really he's going to see colleges with his daughter up north. On class on Friday we are going to make a comic strip on what we are learning with partners we got to choose. I chose my dear friend Rachel. Once we established what we were going to do Friday we were dismissed.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rome Review

Today in class we got our great tests back. Our class had the highest average which was an 88%. We went over the test and kept it for when we have the dreadful finals...I don't even want to start thinking about that. After finishing the review of the test we moved on to review what we read last night for homework in our textbooks. While I read I highlighted what I thought was important which in the end helped me A LOT! While everyone was furiously typing what Mr.Schick was saying from the textbook I simply highlighted what I missed when I highlighted which turned out to be not a lot. This reassured me because I never really know what to highlight since all of the reading is important. We didn't get to finish reviewing the homework when the bell rung ending the long school day.

Monday, April 8, 2013

LO-1 The Rise of Rome 800-30 B.C

Key Terms:

  • Patricians: upper-class citizens who belonged to the oldest and noblest Roman families
  • Republic: In reference to ancient Rome, the system of city-state government in which decision making power was sheared between the Senate and assemblies of male citizens 
  • Plebeians: the roman common people, including workers, small farmers, and wealthy people who were not patricians
  • Senate: in ancient Rome, a government assembly appointed by the Kind, and under the Republic by the consuls; originally all members were patricians, but in time wealthy plebeians were appointed as well 
  • Consuls: In the Roman Republic, two senators who led the government and military for one-year terms and appointed their own successors 
  • Dictator: In the Roman Republic, a single leader with full decision making powers, appointed for a maximum of six-month term during time of emergency 
  • Tribunes: magistrates elected by the plebeians, who eventually gained power to initiate and veto laws 
  • Client: a person who provides personal services in return for money and protection from a patron 
  • Patron: a wealthy person who supports others with money and protection in exchange for personal services
  • Pontiff: In ancient Rome, one of the Republic's leading priests
  • Paterfamilias: The "family father" in ancient Rome, who had unlimited power over his household 
  • Matron: title of honor given to a married women in ancient Rome 
Summary of Rome
Two groups of people that lived in Italy that influenced the growth of Roman civilization were the Etruscan and the Greeks. The Latins also lived in Italy but didn't have the same effect as the two others did on the Roman civilization. Greek city-states begun to plant colones in southern Italy; it was from these neighbors that the Latins first learned the alphabet and gained knowledge of the life  of Greek city-states. The Roman city-states changed it's form of government to mix democracy and oligarchy to create a republic. The government was almost a way of life and created values and morals citizens lived by. Although government and participation in the army was important, family was the most important in Roman life. In all clans and families there was a "family father" who held unlimited power, even the life of someone in the household.

Test Today!

Today in class we reviewed for our test the first half of class and then took our test. Overall the test wasn't too hard but I know I messed up the last 3 questions because I didn't put continents down, I just put land that Alexander the Great conquered. Once we finished the test we went onto Mr.Schick's blog and found a reading assignment we had to do during the time remaining and had to finish for homework if we didn't complete during class.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Notes on Alexander the Great


  • King Phillip II
    • Birth Place: Pella of Macedon
    • Held hostage in Thebes
      • While held hostage he learned military and diplomatic education
  • Olympias
    • Princess, married to King Phillip II
      • He changed her name from Myrtale
      • Gave birth to Alexander
    • King Phillip II had another wife
      • Olympias ordered the death of the other wife and the son to ensure Alexander would get the throne
Early Years

  • Born in the Pella region of Macedonia
  • Rarely saw his father since he had military campaign and multiple wives 
  • Bucephalus
    •   Alexander's father didn't want it
    •  He tamed it 
    • Many myths
    • Alexander took the horse to all his battles
    • Name means ox's head
  • Education 
    • Tutored by Leonidas
      • Taught math, horsemanship, and archery
    • Rebellious student
    • new teacher: Aristotle 
      • Taught drama, science, politics, and poetry
    • Education ended in Meiza
Rise to Power

  • Phillip II was assassinated
    • by Pausanias, his body guard
    •  Reasons for murder:
      • Paid to kill
      • Pausanias might have been Phillip II's partner and Phillip cheated
    • Alexander had Pausanias crucified 
  • Family's Relationship
    • Tension!
    • Uncle told Phillip II that Alexander wasn't suited for king; Alexander threw a cup at the Uncle and Phillip II tried to kill Alexander
  • Alexander's Power
    • Received power at the age of 20
    • Plots to overthrow Alexander
      • He had them executed
    • Restored power in areas that were rebelling
  • Military Career
    • Fight with Persia 
      • Fought because they might have been in with the murder of King Phillip II
    • Battle of Granicus
      • 335 B.C  crossed into Asia 
      • 334 B.C fought
    • Battle of Granicus River
      • Alexander won the battle with good tactics 
    • Siege of Halicarnassus 
      • 334 B.C 
      • Surrendered the fortress
      • Began to siege the city
    • Conquering Egypt 
      • Alexander won the battle but was wounded
      • Men killed, women and children were sold into slavery
      • Egypt liked Alexander and named him the Pharaoh
        •  Let them be just made them pay taxes
Alexander's Death

  • Died on June 10, 323 B.C or June 11 323 B.C
    • 32 when died
  • Theories of Death
    • Poisoned wine
    • Malaria
    • Alcohol Poisoning
  • Died in Nebuchadnezzar II, Babylon
  • Sarcophagus was taken to Alexander and replaced with glass so they couldn't make coins with it 
  • His next plan was to conquer all of India and head back to Europe 
Ruling Style 
  • When he would enter a new territory 
    • If they attacked he would kill the men and sell the women and children to slavery
  • Largest Empire of time
    • Stayed under rule for 200-300 years after death
    • Hellenization purpose: spread Greek language, culture and population 
  • Many people didn't believe he died since it was so sudden
  • Alexander wanted to combine cultures
  • Alexander VI was born
  • Macedonia collapsed after 40 years