Sunday, March 17, 2013

Notes from the Video

  • 508 B.C: Athens, citizens overthrew their rulers and demanded freedom
    • Cleisthenes: thought ordinary people should have rights and power 
      • Born 570 B.C
      • He was taught he was an aristocrat
  • 600 B.C aristocrats controlled Athens
    • Reading and writing was slim 
    • Age expectancy was 15 years old 
    • Impossible for one ruler for Greece 
      • It was made of city-states
    • Sparta: lives around war
      • Cleisthenes time, they controlled the surrounding area 
  • Pisistratus shows up with a tall girl
    • Says she is a goddess: Athena
    • Demands power because he brought a goddess
    • Was a tyrant
    • He needed to find allies to control the power
      • Turned to Athenians
      • Taxes reduced and free loans were given
      • This encouraged people to work on their own
    • Greek land produced good olives
  • Vase
    • Potters worked at the "Red Light District" : sketchy part of town, prostitutes worked there
    • Potters were low ranked in society
    • Used everywhere- transportation or kitchen
    • Painting became detailed
      • Potters wanted to out do each other
    • Ordinary Athens were shown power 
  • 527 B.C Pisistratus died
    • Son took over, Hippias
    • 514 Hippias's brother was killed
      • This made him not trust the Athenians which caused them to lose their power and freedom
    • Cleisthenes wanted to over rule Hippias
      • Hippias was banished 510 B.C
      • Cleisthenes was the most heroic man
  • 776 B.C : Olympics
    • Competed every 4 years
    • Any Greeks could compete
    • Arete mean greatness 
    • All Greeks would come together and watch
    • Fight for power no matter what
  • Isagoras
    • Went against Cleisthenes
    • Turned to outside from Athens to Spartans 
    • Spartans vs Athens
    • Cleisthenes was thrown out
  • 508 B.C: Revolution 
    • 3rd day on Acropolis, Isagoras gave up
    • 1st time people turned on government and seized power
    • Turned to Cleisthenes
    • Ostracized means thrown out of town/ banished
  • Cleisthenes is back
    • There was an area to discuss the future: everyone on social rank could speak it was called the agora 
      • Came together every 9 days
    • Democracy: used pebbles to vote
  • 490 B.C 
    •  Phidippides ran to warm Athens the Spartans wouldn't help
      • ran 140 miles in 2 days 
    • Persian Empire had the greatest power- tyranny
    • They saw Athens gaining power and needed to destroy them
    • Darius, the tyrant of Persian Empire
    • Hoplites were depended on to defend Athens 
    • Greeks won the fight against the Persians 
  • Themistocles 
    • learned his leadership in Athens
    • Savior of the city
    • He knew the Persian Empire would come back to fight
      • Created the most useful weapons
        • Trireme: state of the art war ship, very expensive
  • 483 B.C: found silver
    • Athenians wanted to divide it among themselves
    • Themistocles wanted to use it to build the triremes ships 
      • Greatest navy with 200 triremes 
  • 486 B.C Darius died and his son took over, Xerxes 
    • 480 B.C Athenians heard of war
    • Panic ruled the city
    • Sent a messenger to the oracle to determine their fate 
    • Athenians abandoned Athens; Persia came and burned it down
    • Themistocles plan was to fight in a narrow strip of water in between Greece and Salamis 
    • In the end Athens won, Persia lost 200 ships
      • It was a good time to build a new empire
  • Delos (Delian League)
    • Athens empire, organization to defend 
  • Trading-everywhere
    • "Big Apple" of Mediterranean was Athens
    • Diverse goods from around the Mediterranean 
  • Ostracized 
    • Name on shard of pot, the most frequent name is ostracized
      • Themistocles was ostracized even though he lead them to power   
      • He died in Persia after wandering from state to state 
  • Pericles: the new leader of Athens   
    • Proposed a new Acropolis, a temple to Athena
      • Made in 15 years
      • Parthenon, mark of wealth and power
    • Divorced his wife and lived with an "escort" 
  • Theater
    • First entertainment
    • Tragedies
    • Built in every major Greek city 
    • Oedipus 
      • Play in which a man is told from an oracle that he will kill his father, marry his mother, and won't be able to rule
    • Fatal flaws
  • Hubris: people in power who are too arrogant and believe they can't get into trouble  
  • Socrates 
    • Used understanding to see the world
    • "The unexamined life is not worth living" - Socrates 
  • Pericles wanted war with Sparta because of his hubris 
    • Closed Spartan's port for food and good (isolated them)
    • Plague in Athens during attack on Sparta
      • Killed 1/3 of Athens
      • Pericles got infected and died after 6 months
  • 416 B.C an island in Sicily wanted protection
  • Socrates
    • Arrested for undermining the state religion and corrupting youth's minds
    • Could defend himself but was timed by a water clock
    • He demanded free dinner for life for all the work he did
    • Was found guilty and had a death sentence
    • Could have ran away with his friends but denied 
    • He died for his principles 

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