Monday, March 18, 2013

The Greater Greece: The Hellenistic Era, 400-30 B.C

  • Hellenistic: refers to the "international" period of Greek history, when much of the Mediterranean and southwestern Asia was under Greek rule 
    • time between the death of the Macedonian king and Alexander the Great
  • 359 B.C King Philip II of Macedonia comes to power; moves to control Greece 
The Athenians lost the war against Sparta because after they won the battle against Persia they insisted that the Athenians’ allies pay to build more triremes, state of the art war ships, even though they were not at war with anyone and did not see themselves going to war. The allies of Athens did not want to pay any longer for ships they were not using so they asked Sparta for help to put an end to it. This lead to war and even though Athens lost to Sparta; Sparta lost a lot of resources and soldiers in the fight. All in all Athens lost because they were too cocky after they won the war against the best and strongest empire. They thought they could defeat anyone they came up against. They also should not have been forcing people to pay for war ships that were not needed. If the Athens stayed humble and continued on with their lives they would not have caused a war and been defeated. 

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