Friday, May 24, 2013

Reviewing for FINAL and Tuesday-Test

Yeah so we had to make a plan for the last 2 weeks of school.  So today we're reviewing for the Feudalism test on Tuesday.  Then we're reviewing for the final on Wednesday and that's our last day of class!...till the FINAL!

If I wanted to ace the Feudalism test,
I would look up the following terms in Chapter 11 in the textbook:

·         Feudalism: a term by historians to describe the type of government institutions, as well as the general social and political relationships, that existed among the warrior-landholders in much of Europe during the Middle-Ages
·         Feudal compact: an arrangement between a lord and his vassal involving the exchange of property for personal service
·         Fief: a grant of land and accompanying government responsibilities and power
·         Vassal: another word for servant
·         Knight: A man who served his sovereign or lord as a mounted soldier in armor
·         Homage: A vassal’s act of promising loyalty and obedience to his land 
·         Serf: “internal colonization” of Europe; bottom at the social ladder
·         Baron: a great lord who exercised government authority over vast family territory
·         Peasantry: those who farmed the land of manner owned by the lord
·         Estates: In the Middle Ages, the groups that made up society: often defined as those who pray, those who fight, and those who work
·         Manor: The principle framing property and social unit of a medieval community usually belonging to a member of the feudal nobility or to a Church institution
·         Three-field-system: A method of crop rotation designed to maintain the fertility of the soil and to provide for a regular supply of fall and spring crops
·         Internal colonization: the process of cultivating and settling in formerly wild land in medieval Europe
·         Suburb: land outside of the city walls
·         Guild: An organization of merchants of craftspeople who regulated the activities of their members and set standards and prices
·         Master: a craftsman who had the right to operate workshops, train others, and vote on guild business
·         Journeyman: a licensed artisan who had served an apprenticeship and who was employed by a master and paid at a fixed rate per day
·         Apprentice: a “learner” in the shop of a master
·         Masterpiece: a piece that shows your work to become a master in his art
·         Water mill:  a mill worked by a waterweel 
·         Iron plow: 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Boys Teaching

Review of Chapter 11:
-Look at blog from yesterday for my notes
-No one was listening so then Mr.Schick yelled at us
-Max and David were the one "teaching" Chapter 11 which was "fun"
-Then they started getting on a roll and we all calmed down a little
-Then Grace and Kelley started acting out what were learning which actually helped!
-The review included feudalism, knights, lords, homage, and more medieval stuff 

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Notes- Chapter 11

Feudalism- term used by historians to describe the governmental system and the relationships between landowners and warriors
-Warriors, aka knights, would pledge his allegiance to a lord, who would in turn give that knight land
-Fief- property given to the knight from the lord, who would then become the lord's vassal- servant known as the feudal compact
 -The vassal must fight for the lord when he needs it and attend his court once a month

Homage and Knighthood
- A vassal was required to pay homage to his lord, usually this meant kneeling down and taking the lord's hands in his while speaking an oath of loyalty
- When a knight died, his fief would revert to his son, though his lord would be protector of that son if he was underage, or if it was a daughter

Feudal States
-Barons were lords of large territories who usually paid homage to a king
-Often a baron's army could outnumber that of a king , which kept a check on the king's power

The Manorial Estate
-Medieval society was divided into three "estates" : the clergy, the nobility, and the common people
-Usually the peasantry famed on large plantations known as "manors" which were owned by a lord or lady of the nobility
-Iron plows and water- powered grinding mills helped with agricultural production, but the yield was still mini-scale by today's standards

People of the Manor
-The lady of the house ran household operations, oversaw servants, entertained guests and ran the manor when her husband was away
-Most peasants were serfs, meaning they were bound to the land and to their lords for "labor service" a few days each year
-the lord oversaw major agricultural issues but delegated everyday overseeing to his stewards or bailiffs

The Location and Perseverance of Towns
- Most medieval towns were surrounded by fortified walls
- Residences also sprang up outside the walls in the suburbs
-Towns were dominated by a main church and a central marketplace

The Life of Townspeople
- Merchants at the top, then skilled craftsman, then unskilled laborers and apprentices

The Guilds
-Merchants, craftsmen and artisans formed their own groups called guilds which regulated their trade and protected its members
-Craftsmen were classified as masters, journeymen, and apprentices
-Once became a master after spending years learning as an apprentice, working as a paid journeyman for a number of years, and completing his "masterpiece"

Monday, May 20, 2013

Tests Back

So today we kinda got talked at because we got our tests back and they weren't too hot...I got a 79% which isn't too bad but I'd like to get a lot better. My class talks a lot and interrupts the lesson which is one of the main causes to our not so hot grades...I completely agree with Mr.Schick and even after him telling us that us talking was the cause of our low grades people still continued to talk which I found totally disrespectful..sometimes I feel like Mr.Schick just needs to put his foot down once in a while. I like his laid-back personality but I find people take advantage of it. The pop-quiz that we took that I thought I totally bombed, was given back and I got a 100%! I guess I'm a good guesser! We reviewed the test and were given the correct answers but I didn't get the last answer so I'll need to talk to him and find out what the answer was...

Friday, May 17, 2013

Random Class

Yeah so far we aren't really do anything all we did was talk for a good 10 minutes randomly then Mr. Schick tried to get us on track and talk about the barbarian groups that we looked up last night for homework. Then we had a pop quiz which is not fair considering we didn't really go over it. It was kinda hard. Then we talked about the tribes and Egypt and Muslims  Some notes we took today are:

After Rome
500-700 A.D

Germanic Kingdoms of Western Europe
  • The Germanic Barbarians
    • Barbarian warlords and their families who assimilated into Roman culture became the "nobles" or aristocrats of medieval Europe
    • Germanic tribes who ruled former Roman lands sought to conquer and assimilate other barbarian peoples who lived beyond the frontiers and were sill pagans 
    • The Angels and the Saxons ( from Denmark and northwestern Germany) invaded and assimilated the native Britons
    • Most the Anglo-Saxons were converted to Christianity in the 7th Century 
    • The most powerful Germanic tribe was the Franks
    • But the real power lay with the "mayors of the palace" who were royal officials and nobles themselves 
  • Meanwhile, back in the Eastern Empire
    • From Eastern Empire to Byzantium
    • The eastern roman empire continued on while the west was now divided up by the barbarian tribes
    • When the emperor Justinian came to power in 527, he decided to reunite the entire Roman Empire by re-conquering the western territories
    • Justinian succeeded for a time, but the land he re-took was soon conquered by a new barbarian tribes and a massive plague depopulated much of the west 
  • It's a Christian Empire Now
    • Greek Byzantine emperors saw themselves as Roman emperors and the heads of the Christian Church
    • Byzantines preserved Greece-Roman art, architecture philosophy and writing despite much of it being non- Christian
    • Justinian built the massive domed Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) in Constantinople, considered to be the most glorious church on the earth at the time 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Rome Fades Away

  • Two Emperors
    • Diocletian
      • he rules from 284-303
      • cool to persecute Christians
      • Rome needs a big army (400,000 strong)
      • Rome needs a big government (20,000 officials)
    • Constantine
      • he rules from 306-337
      • its cool to be a Christian
      • conversion to Christianity via a cross in the sky (conquer by this)
      • 313- his edict of Milan proclaims freedom of worship
      • built a new capital in the East
        • Byzantium, soon to be known as Constantinople 
  • The struggle of the peasants
    • Life for the peasants in the 4th Century
      • country dwellers are getting bankrupted by endless tax collection
      • new farming system: peasants work for elite landlords on large farms 
      • paying off debts and being allowed to live on land, in exchange for endless back-breaking work 
      • landowners hold local power as counts and bishops, wielding more real power than the faraway empire
      • foreshadowing feudalism (The dominant social system in medieval Europe, in which land granted by the Crown to the nobility was in turn held by vassals and worked)
  • The Western Empire Crumbles
    • Romes's power decreasing, while nomadic barbarians gain power
    • Western Empire is too poor, beings to be neglected
    • Huns migrate from China to eastern Europe 
    • Visigoths take over Spain, and actually capture and loot Rome itself in 410
    • Vandals control Carthage and the western Mediterranean
    • Other barbarian tribes
      • Ostrogoth in Italy 
      • Franks in Gaul
      • Angles and Saxons in Britain
  •  End of an area
    • From the beginnings
      • 500 BC- the monarchy is abolished
      • 450 BC- the Twelve Tables are established
    • Through the Glory days
      • 44 BC- end of the line for Julius Caesar 
      • 27 BC- 180 AD- Pax Romana 
    • To the Bitter end
      • constant 5th century invasions by barbarian tribes left the western roman empire and crumbing
      • the last emperor was a teenage boy in 475 by his father
      • barbarians deposed Romulus Augustulus without bothering to kill him 
  • Barbarian Groups
    • Angles: were German people that settled in Britannia 
    • Franks: German tribe that settled on the lower and middle Rhine, they raided Roman territory, most powerful German tribe 
    • Huns
    • Ostrogoths: established a kingdom in Italy in the late 5th century and early 6th century
    • Saxons: German tribe on the North German Plain
    • Vandals: were an east Germanic tribe
    • Visigoths: Germanic people referred to as Goths 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Test Opinion

DIFFICULT TEST!...Yeah so that test has pretty hard but we found out yesterday about it plus we went over the information quicker than usual so I wasn't very prepared. O well I did my best so that's all I can say...after the test we just chilled on our laptops and did any work that we wanted. We kinda were a little upset after the test considering a few questions were not taught and he said their were going to be no date questions and there was in fact ONE...I didn't care all that much about that one cause it's one question but o well. Then I watched Drew play a car game on his laptop which looked pretty cool. So all in all it was difficult but I wouldn't say it was unfair...for the most part.

Monday, May 13, 2013


We got our pop quizzes back which a lot of us got 100s on which is good! Then we discussed either having a test tomorrow or having it Wednesday but covering a new topic. We decided that we were going to have the test tomorrow. And then we found out that we were not going to be allowed to use our blogs which is kinda disappointing since I wrote a lot of notes down on my blog....but it makes sense cause we won't be allowed to use our blog on the final so he's trying to adjust us to studying more. As a compromise he will let us choose some questions that will be put on the test so we will at least know what to study! We were so busy talking about questions that we didn't get to review the pop quiz. 
Some questions included:

  1. What was the edict of Milan? 
    • Law that proclaimed tolerance of all religions throughout the empire. 
  2. What is an edict?
    • An official law
  3. Know 3 out of the 4 problems in the Roman Empire
    • epidemic disease
    • couldn't defend the frontier because armies were too expensive
    • too many poverty stricken people
    • emperors began to lose their hold on power 
  4. How many officials were there in the Dereliction's reform?
    • 20,000, which is 10x larger than Augustus's time 
  5. What religion was Jesus born into?
    • Judaism
  6. What did followers believe about Jesus?
    • He was the Messiah and the one to end the world and bring the faith into the kingdom of God 
  7. What were apostles?
    • Followers of Jesus who attempted to spread the word 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Mrs. Glinecki and TA Reilley

So today we reviewed the persecution of Diocletian (a ruler) and Constantine (ruler after Diocletian) who supported the Christians. Grace and Kelley reviewed that for us and they actually did a good job. Then we Mr. Schick took over and started talking about Constantine and his vision.
  • Constantine had a vision of a sun with a cross above it with "Conquered by this" engraved into it before he went to battle. He prayed to God. 
  • Constantine's vision 
  • Then the army painted the symbol on their shields, went into battle, and won
    • This turned him into a Christian
  • Symbol they painted on  their shields

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Notes from today- The Roman Empire...after Pax Romana

So today we got to class and got right to work on taking notes about "The Roman Empire....after Pax Romana." It was actually kind of interesting because we've been talking about Christianity in Rome...which is what I believe in...and how the Christians were persecuted for their belief. The Christians first started out almost like a cult but grew so large and is even very large today. So here are my notes from today:

  • 99 Problems (here's just a few)
    • In the 3rd Century A.D
      • Epidemic disease spreads throughout the empire
      •  Too hard to defend the frontier against the barbarians
      • Emperors began to lose their hold on power
        • Stayed in power for about 2 and a half years due to assassinations or war
      •  Maintaining armies is expensive 
      • Too many poverty stricken citizens
  • Diocletian to the Rescue
    • 284 A.D- Diocletian's reform
      • Increases the size of the army to 400,000
        • 1/3 larger than Augustus's time
        • Recruited from the ranks of the barbarians (enemies they captured)
      • Divide Roman territories into smaller providences  
        • New government had 20,000 officials- 10 times larger than Augustus's time
        • More efficient at collecting taxes which help provide a larger army 
  • Time Marches on...
    • 300 A.D
      • 60 million people in the Roman empire
      • Several million are Christians
      • Christianity appealed o the poor....plenty of those!
      • More Christians,more face-to-face contacts, more conversations, more offspring
      • Christians gaining power, becoming the ruling elite
  • Persecute or not to persecute?
    • Diocletian (ruled 284-305) left Christians alone at first
    • Then he undertook the most systematic persecution of all
      • It was the last and most severe persecution 
      • 284
      • Varied across the empire ( weakest in Gaul and Britain, strongest in the Eastern empire) 
      • Four different edicts
        • Edicts: a decree, order, or ordinance issued by a sovereign, state, or any other holder of authority; any formal or authoritative command, proclamation, etc. 
        • 1st- new church was razed; books burned and treasures taken 
          • Wanted no bloodshed but those who refused to worship Jupiter were burned alive
          • February 23, 303
          •  The edict ordered the destruction of Christian scriptures, liturgical books, places of worship across the empire, and prohibit Christians from worshiping. Christians were not allowed to go to court about any of these things happening.  
          • Christian senators, equestrians, decurions, veterans, and soldiers had the positions taken away and imperial freedmen were re-slaved. 
        • 2nd- Arrest and imprisonment of all priests and bishops 
          • Prisons filled with deacons, lectors, priests, bishops, and exorcists 
          • summer of 303
          • There was no logical necessity of this second edict.
          • Diocletian said he did it because the first edict was not working as quickly as wanted
        • 3rd-any imprisoned clergy man could now be freed as long as he agrees to make a sacrifice to the gods
          •  November 20, 303
          •  Some people were more willing than others to make a sacrifice sine it was considered unacceptable.
        • 4th-All persons (men, women, and children) to father in a public space and offer a collective sacrifice. 
          • 304
          • If you refused, you were executed. This edict was not enforced at all of the domains of Maximilian and Constantine.
    • Constantine ruled from 306-337
      • He favored Christianity 
      • Was against the persecution of Christians 
      • On July 25, 306, he succeeded his father. 
      • He immediately ended all ongoing persecution and returned property that had been stolen.
      • Constantine was seen as a possible liberator of oppressed Christians everywhere.
      • First Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity, over the ago of 40.
      • He issued the Edict of Milan in 313, which proclaimed tolerance of all religions throughout the empire. 
      • Throughout his rule, he supported the Church financially, built basilicas, granted privileges to clergy, and promoted Christians to high office. Made a law so that Jews could not have Christian slaves.
  • Source for edict definition: 

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Review of the Test

So we got to class and got a little distracted...once we got on track we got the test back and reviewed what the answers were. We got the Scranton back that had our grade on it....I got a 85 which isn't bad... once we reviewed the test we took notes which isn't that much fun....then he surprised us with a pop quiz which consisted of 5 questions, 2 points each....After the pop quiz ,which was shown on a power point,  we went over the correct answers...I'm pretty sure I got a 100 which is always good....The quiz was about Christianity in Rome...then we chilled for the rest of the class.

Monday, May 6, 2013

(POP) Test

So today we handed in the essays we wrote for Pax Romana which I think turned out well. My partner, Rachel, worked really hard and went above and beyond to finish the paper. After we finished turning everything in and getting a little distracted we found out that we had a test that was posted all the way at the bottom of his blog. It was planned but no body knew so for us it was a pop test. I think I did fairly well, it had 20 questions and was pretty easy. Once we finished the test we started reading our textbook which is sooooo much fun but it wasn't that long so i guess it wasn't tooo tooo bad.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Friday's Class

So Friday's class wasn't very accomplishing because we were supposed to work on our 500 words essay with our partners but we really got nothing done. My partner and I are really hard workers but we couldn't concentrate with all the other groups ,that didn't really care about it, talk non stop. So we just determined we would split the reading and write at least 250 words on what we read. In class we got about 100 words combined on what we read...which was little. We decided to use Google drive that way we wouldn't have to email back and forth all the work which is a hassle but instead just go on the document and type away....once we're finished we can chat that we are done and I can print it out after proof reading it. I think it is a very effective way to write a paper with a partner...Thanks Google!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Notes from Wednesday

So I kinda forgot to blog last night but it's only 9 hours late....In class we got out our notebooks and starting taking notes on the power point he made. Here is the link in case anyone needs it: Overall we knew most of the stuff because of the movie we watched so I just had to take a few notes that way it really stuck in my head and I would remember it. I find it easier to learn when I write things down and see stuff so I always take notes. After we took all the notes, we were assigned a partner project. We got to pick our partners thankfully and my partner is the amazing RACHEL! So yeah that's about all we did yesterday....yet another exciting day in the life of Sydney...

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Movie and Review

We finished watching the movie about Rome and then had a debate about Tiberius Granicus. The Senate wanted to kill him because they believed Tiberius wanted to become king which is the worst possible thing a person could do since everyone was against dictatorship. We were debating if the few men with the most power told the Senate that Tiberius wanted to become king that way he wouldn't get any power and the people would turn against him or did Tiberius actually want complete (absolute) power. I believe that Tiberius wanted to truly help the people but once he got a taste of power he wanted more but not to the extent the Senate thought. Then we talked about North Korea and the life there and how strict it is there. 

Monday, April 29, 2013

Movie Time

Today in class we didn't discuss anything we started watching videos about Rome that the BBC (British broadcasting) made. Overall the movies were really good and informative. Everything that was said actually happened and wasn't made up or wrong so that's always good. We watched the videos up to the 6th one...I think. Then we stopped and went to advisory.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

New Attitude

So Friday we went over the class averages for the quest we took on Wednesday. Overall we didn't do well, our class average was like a 76....not the best. Mr.Schick didn't really yell at us for not doing our best but gave us an inspirational pep talk about closing the school year like we started it. We went over the quest and got the right answers. We got distracted a lot which kinda annoyed me since I wanted to know the correct information before class time ran out. We did however finish reviewing it with the interruptions.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Quest Today

Today we had a few extra minutes before the quest to review our notes. We got the test and I think I did ok on......there were a few questions that I didn't quite understand so I made an educated guess. We were the first ones to take it which was ok I guess. After we finished the quest we just hung out and talked. It was a pretty uneventful class, nothing too exciting happened. We were assigned reading for homework that is due on Friday so I'll probably do half of the reading tonight and the other half tomorrow night.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


So we started out watching a video of a chariot race that was NOT computer animated it was all stunt men and actors....that's pretty cool! After we finished watching the movie to see how the chariot races were, we continued on to review. We got our textbooks out...for those that had them...and started reading voluntarily...even though I didn't volunteer to read and still did....while ever one was scrambling to take notes I just highlighted what he though was important in the book. Mr.Schick told us we have a quest tomorrow (quiz/test)...great! I kinda wish we had a little more advance notice that way I can be extra prepared since we won't be able to use our blogs. We finished up reviewing and had about 5-10 minutes left in class so we got to relax a little till we could leave to go home. 

Monday, April 22, 2013

Video Watching and Reviewing

Today we had class first mod which isn't always good since it's a Monday morning and we're all tired. We started out watching the music videos we created that went along with the rap he made about Rome.  The majority of the class made the video but me and another group only did a part of it. I think I might have gotten a little extra for the small portion of work I did. After having the first 20 mins watching videos and just relaxing we got right to work on reviewing what we learned in the rap. We didn't finish reviewing when the class ended signaling a long advisory.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


So in class Mr.Schick broke the news that we won't be finishing our music video because there has been too many problems and it's taking to long. He did say that we could finish the video and turn it in as extra credit....not sure if I'm going to do that....depends on how much it's worth. Once we established that we started taking notes about Rome and just overall reviewing what we learned from the rap and reading. I think the rap helped a lot to remember what he is he might have a career in rapping. We didn't finish reviewing when the bell rang so I assume we'll finish up when we get back to school on Monday.

More rapping

So I forgot to blog last night so I'm doing it now. Yesterday we had a sub because Mr.Schick had to leave early for an academic competition...I think...ANYWAY while he was gone we continued to work on our rap and we actually got a lot done even though we only have a minute of the song done and the song is 10 minutes long! My partner left early so I tried to work on it without her but I didn't want to exclude her from it so I just did a few more pictures.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Movie Making

Today we started discussing things we were going to do in class. We were going to make a video for Mr.Schick's rap he did about Rome but the internet was down for the first half of class. Once the internet started working we got right to work with our partners. My partner is Rachel who is my really close friend that I met during the musical for John Carroll. Back to what we did in class now that I got side tracked....we had a little trouble figuring out how to put the pictures into the sound but after a few minutes we figured it out. Tomorrow we are going to continue working on the project and hopefully finish!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Pixton Project

Today in class we got right to work with our partners for the project we're making on Pixton. We had to create a comic strip about Romulus and Remus, twins that we left by their parents and found by a she wolf at a river.  After a little while a shepard came and took them. The brothers then grew up and wanted to create a city. They fought over where to create it and in the end one of the twins, Remus, died. Romulus founded the city and named it Rome. Overall the story was just a myth about how Rome was created. I though it was fun making the comic strips but it was kinda hard figuring it out. My partner and I finished right when the bell rung.
Link to comic:

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Featuring Shickago

Instead of the usual class we had a concert featuring Schickago and his side rapper (actually his daughter, Martha). They did a remix of Low but created their own lyrics to the song to make it educational and all about Rome (the topic we are on know)! Many of the my classmates took videos of the awesome performance on their IPhones while I sat there because I don't have an IPhone. I kind of forget the rest of the class because I was so star struck I got to meet Schickago. I remember! We started discussing more of LO-1 and that Mr.Schick won't be there for the next 2 days since he will be going on tour...but not really he's going to see colleges with his daughter up north. On class on Friday we are going to make a comic strip on what we are learning with partners we got to choose. I chose my dear friend Rachel. Once we established what we were going to do Friday we were dismissed.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Rome Review

Today in class we got our great tests back. Our class had the highest average which was an 88%. We went over the test and kept it for when we have the dreadful finals...I don't even want to start thinking about that. After finishing the review of the test we moved on to review what we read last night for homework in our textbooks. While I read I highlighted what I thought was important which in the end helped me A LOT! While everyone was furiously typing what Mr.Schick was saying from the textbook I simply highlighted what I missed when I highlighted which turned out to be not a lot. This reassured me because I never really know what to highlight since all of the reading is important. We didn't get to finish reviewing the homework when the bell rung ending the long school day.

Monday, April 8, 2013

LO-1 The Rise of Rome 800-30 B.C

Key Terms:

  • Patricians: upper-class citizens who belonged to the oldest and noblest Roman families
  • Republic: In reference to ancient Rome, the system of city-state government in which decision making power was sheared between the Senate and assemblies of male citizens 
  • Plebeians: the roman common people, including workers, small farmers, and wealthy people who were not patricians
  • Senate: in ancient Rome, a government assembly appointed by the Kind, and under the Republic by the consuls; originally all members were patricians, but in time wealthy plebeians were appointed as well 
  • Consuls: In the Roman Republic, two senators who led the government and military for one-year terms and appointed their own successors 
  • Dictator: In the Roman Republic, a single leader with full decision making powers, appointed for a maximum of six-month term during time of emergency 
  • Tribunes: magistrates elected by the plebeians, who eventually gained power to initiate and veto laws 
  • Client: a person who provides personal services in return for money and protection from a patron 
  • Patron: a wealthy person who supports others with money and protection in exchange for personal services
  • Pontiff: In ancient Rome, one of the Republic's leading priests
  • Paterfamilias: The "family father" in ancient Rome, who had unlimited power over his household 
  • Matron: title of honor given to a married women in ancient Rome 
Summary of Rome
Two groups of people that lived in Italy that influenced the growth of Roman civilization were the Etruscan and the Greeks. The Latins also lived in Italy but didn't have the same effect as the two others did on the Roman civilization. Greek city-states begun to plant colones in southern Italy; it was from these neighbors that the Latins first learned the alphabet and gained knowledge of the life  of Greek city-states. The Roman city-states changed it's form of government to mix democracy and oligarchy to create a republic. The government was almost a way of life and created values and morals citizens lived by. Although government and participation in the army was important, family was the most important in Roman life. In all clans and families there was a "family father" who held unlimited power, even the life of someone in the household.

Test Today!

Today in class we reviewed for our test the first half of class and then took our test. Overall the test wasn't too hard but I know I messed up the last 3 questions because I didn't put continents down, I just put land that Alexander the Great conquered. Once we finished the test we went onto Mr.Schick's blog and found a reading assignment we had to do during the time remaining and had to finish for homework if we didn't complete during class.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Notes on Alexander the Great


  • King Phillip II
    • Birth Place: Pella of Macedon
    • Held hostage in Thebes
      • While held hostage he learned military and diplomatic education
  • Olympias
    • Princess, married to King Phillip II
      • He changed her name from Myrtale
      • Gave birth to Alexander
    • King Phillip II had another wife
      • Olympias ordered the death of the other wife and the son to ensure Alexander would get the throne
Early Years

  • Born in the Pella region of Macedonia
  • Rarely saw his father since he had military campaign and multiple wives 
  • Bucephalus
    •   Alexander's father didn't want it
    •  He tamed it 
    • Many myths
    • Alexander took the horse to all his battles
    • Name means ox's head
  • Education 
    • Tutored by Leonidas
      • Taught math, horsemanship, and archery
    • Rebellious student
    • new teacher: Aristotle 
      • Taught drama, science, politics, and poetry
    • Education ended in Meiza
Rise to Power

  • Phillip II was assassinated
    • by Pausanias, his body guard
    •  Reasons for murder:
      • Paid to kill
      • Pausanias might have been Phillip II's partner and Phillip cheated
    • Alexander had Pausanias crucified 
  • Family's Relationship
    • Tension!
    • Uncle told Phillip II that Alexander wasn't suited for king; Alexander threw a cup at the Uncle and Phillip II tried to kill Alexander
  • Alexander's Power
    • Received power at the age of 20
    • Plots to overthrow Alexander
      • He had them executed
    • Restored power in areas that were rebelling
  • Military Career
    • Fight with Persia 
      • Fought because they might have been in with the murder of King Phillip II
    • Battle of Granicus
      • 335 B.C  crossed into Asia 
      • 334 B.C fought
    • Battle of Granicus River
      • Alexander won the battle with good tactics 
    • Siege of Halicarnassus 
      • 334 B.C 
      • Surrendered the fortress
      • Began to siege the city
    • Conquering Egypt 
      • Alexander won the battle but was wounded
      • Men killed, women and children were sold into slavery
      • Egypt liked Alexander and named him the Pharaoh
        •  Let them be just made them pay taxes
Alexander's Death

  • Died on June 10, 323 B.C or June 11 323 B.C
    • 32 when died
  • Theories of Death
    • Poisoned wine
    • Malaria
    • Alcohol Poisoning
  • Died in Nebuchadnezzar II, Babylon
  • Sarcophagus was taken to Alexander and replaced with glass so they couldn't make coins with it 
  • His next plan was to conquer all of India and head back to Europe 
Ruling Style 
  • When he would enter a new territory 
    • If they attacked he would kill the men and sell the women and children to slavery
  • Largest Empire of time
    • Stayed under rule for 200-300 years after death
    • Hellenization purpose: spread Greek language, culture and population 
  • Many people didn't believe he died since it was so sudden
  • Alexander wanted to combine cultures
  • Alexander VI was born
  • Macedonia collapsed after 40 years 

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Movie: Alexander the Great

In class we started watching the Indian invasion of Alexander the Great. This part of the movie we watched was what my partner and I had to present. We saw the battles he went through and although it was bloody and violent we got to see what it might have been like when it actually happened. The movie helped me better understand what we taught each other and overall I thought it was a good movie. We ended the class when seeing Alexander the Great being carried back on a shield.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Alexander the Great

Today we continued on with out presentations of Alexander the Great's life. We started off with my group, section six. My partner Max wasn't there so I had to present all by myself. I talked about the invasion of India and the revolt of the Macedonian army. Once I finished my power point we moved onto section 7, Alexander's Death. There are multiple theories of how he died such as, his wine being poisoned, alcohol poisoning, and malaria. He was only 32 when he died. Once we finished their presentation we moved on to Alexander's battle strategy. After finishing the power points we started watching the video. We watched Alexander break his horse at the age of 12. We finished watching that in time for the bell to ring.

Friday, March 22, 2013

Teaching Each Other

Wednesday we all had to create power points that were due today. The point of them were to teach each other what we read from websites Mr.Schick recommended for our topic. There were seven groups that had to present on all about Alexander the Great. The first group was about Alexander's parents and we got all the way to his battles against Persia. The last group to go was group 5, I'm number 6 so I will be starting next week. I will post the notes on a different blog tonight.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Partner Presentations

FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!! We got assigned  numbers and were matched up with whoever had the same number. Then we were privileged enough to get a topic on Alexander's life, my partner, Max, and I got India, the invasion and revolution. We got right to work once we were told our partners and topic. Mr.Schick pulled up his blogger account to show us the Google docs paper he created for the project, he graciously gave us a list of website and pointed us in the right direction and so we were off!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Hellenistic Era

Today we got a lot done, we went to page 79 and Mr.Schick called on me to read the first two paragraphs of the introduction. We discussed why the Athens lost the war against the Spartans. I said that they were too hubris which means cocky and also they didn't have good leadership and strategies for war. Then we talked about Alexander the great and the Hellenistic Era which was the time between when the Macedonian king died and Alexander the great. We kinda got off topic a few times but overall we have a very informative class.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Test Taking

Today we had the great privilege of taking the Chapter 4 Test! Thankfully we were honored by being allowed to use our personal blogs during the test. I thought we might be able to do that so I put my notes from the movie up along with the important dates from the chapter review. All in all I thought the test was fairly easy but it did have a few challenging questions. I feel confident that I passed and hopefully I will get a good grade for the work I did. 

The Greater Greece: The Hellenistic Era, 400-30 B.C

  • Hellenistic: refers to the "international" period of Greek history, when much of the Mediterranean and southwestern Asia was under Greek rule 
    • time between the death of the Macedonian king and Alexander the Great
  • 359 B.C King Philip II of Macedonia comes to power; moves to control Greece 
The Athenians lost the war against Sparta because after they won the battle against Persia they insisted that the Athenians’ allies pay to build more triremes, state of the art war ships, even though they were not at war with anyone and did not see themselves going to war. The allies of Athens did not want to pay any longer for ships they were not using so they asked Sparta for help to put an end to it. This lead to war and even though Athens lost to Sparta; Sparta lost a lot of resources and soldiers in the fight. All in all Athens lost because they were too cocky after they won the war against the best and strongest empire. They thought they could defeat anyone they came up against. They also should not have been forcing people to pay for war ships that were not needed. If the Athens stayed humble and continued on with their lives they would not have caused a war and been defeated. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Chapter 4 Review

Important Dates
1600 – 1100 BC: Mycenaean civilization
1200s BC- The Trojan War and Destruction of Troy
1150 – 750 BC: Dark Ages
776 BC: First Olympic Games
750 – 700 BC: Homer writes the Iliad and the Odyssey
621 BC: Draco’s law were written
508 BC: Isagoras was in charge and the citizens over threw,
490 BC: Battle of Marathon, first invasion of Greece
480 BC: Persians destroyed Athens and the Battle of Salamis where Athens won the battle 
461 – 429 BC: the age of Pericles
447 – 438 BC: time it took to build the Parthenon in Athens
431 – 404 BC: Peloponnnian war
399 BC: Socrates is executed for his opposition to the Thirty Tyrants

Monarchy: A sovereign head of state, esp. a king, queen, or emperor
Democracy:  A system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives            
Oligarchy: A small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution                     
Aristocracy: The highest class in certain societies, esp. those holding hereditary titles or offices

Notes from the Video

  • 508 B.C: Athens, citizens overthrew their rulers and demanded freedom
    • Cleisthenes: thought ordinary people should have rights and power 
      • Born 570 B.C
      • He was taught he was an aristocrat
  • 600 B.C aristocrats controlled Athens
    • Reading and writing was slim 
    • Age expectancy was 15 years old 
    • Impossible for one ruler for Greece 
      • It was made of city-states
    • Sparta: lives around war
      • Cleisthenes time, they controlled the surrounding area 
  • Pisistratus shows up with a tall girl
    • Says she is a goddess: Athena
    • Demands power because he brought a goddess
    • Was a tyrant
    • He needed to find allies to control the power
      • Turned to Athenians
      • Taxes reduced and free loans were given
      • This encouraged people to work on their own
    • Greek land produced good olives
  • Vase
    • Potters worked at the "Red Light District" : sketchy part of town, prostitutes worked there
    • Potters were low ranked in society
    • Used everywhere- transportation or kitchen
    • Painting became detailed
      • Potters wanted to out do each other
    • Ordinary Athens were shown power 
  • 527 B.C Pisistratus died
    • Son took over, Hippias
    • 514 Hippias's brother was killed
      • This made him not trust the Athenians which caused them to lose their power and freedom
    • Cleisthenes wanted to over rule Hippias
      • Hippias was banished 510 B.C
      • Cleisthenes was the most heroic man
  • 776 B.C : Olympics
    • Competed every 4 years
    • Any Greeks could compete
    • Arete mean greatness 
    • All Greeks would come together and watch
    • Fight for power no matter what
  • Isagoras
    • Went against Cleisthenes
    • Turned to outside from Athens to Spartans 
    • Spartans vs Athens
    • Cleisthenes was thrown out
  • 508 B.C: Revolution 
    • 3rd day on Acropolis, Isagoras gave up
    • 1st time people turned on government and seized power
    • Turned to Cleisthenes
    • Ostracized means thrown out of town/ banished
  • Cleisthenes is back
    • There was an area to discuss the future: everyone on social rank could speak it was called the agora 
      • Came together every 9 days
    • Democracy: used pebbles to vote
  • 490 B.C 
    •  Phidippides ran to warm Athens the Spartans wouldn't help
      • ran 140 miles in 2 days 
    • Persian Empire had the greatest power- tyranny
    • They saw Athens gaining power and needed to destroy them
    • Darius, the tyrant of Persian Empire
    • Hoplites were depended on to defend Athens 
    • Greeks won the fight against the Persians 
  • Themistocles 
    • learned his leadership in Athens
    • Savior of the city
    • He knew the Persian Empire would come back to fight
      • Created the most useful weapons
        • Trireme: state of the art war ship, very expensive
  • 483 B.C: found silver
    • Athenians wanted to divide it among themselves
    • Themistocles wanted to use it to build the triremes ships 
      • Greatest navy with 200 triremes 
  • 486 B.C Darius died and his son took over, Xerxes 
    • 480 B.C Athenians heard of war
    • Panic ruled the city
    • Sent a messenger to the oracle to determine their fate 
    • Athenians abandoned Athens; Persia came and burned it down
    • Themistocles plan was to fight in a narrow strip of water in between Greece and Salamis 
    • In the end Athens won, Persia lost 200 ships
      • It was a good time to build a new empire
  • Delos (Delian League)
    • Athens empire, organization to defend 
  • Trading-everywhere
    • "Big Apple" of Mediterranean was Athens
    • Diverse goods from around the Mediterranean 
  • Ostracized 
    • Name on shard of pot, the most frequent name is ostracized
      • Themistocles was ostracized even though he lead them to power   
      • He died in Persia after wandering from state to state 
  • Pericles: the new leader of Athens   
    • Proposed a new Acropolis, a temple to Athena
      • Made in 15 years
      • Parthenon, mark of wealth and power
    • Divorced his wife and lived with an "escort" 
  • Theater
    • First entertainment
    • Tragedies
    • Built in every major Greek city 
    • Oedipus 
      • Play in which a man is told from an oracle that he will kill his father, marry his mother, and won't be able to rule
    • Fatal flaws
  • Hubris: people in power who are too arrogant and believe they can't get into trouble  
  • Socrates 
    • Used understanding to see the world
    • "The unexamined life is not worth living" - Socrates 
  • Pericles wanted war with Sparta because of his hubris 
    • Closed Spartan's port for food and good (isolated them)
    • Plague in Athens during attack on Sparta
      • Killed 1/3 of Athens
      • Pericles got infected and died after 6 months
  • 416 B.C an island in Sicily wanted protection
  • Socrates
    • Arrested for undermining the state religion and corrupting youth's minds
    • Could defend himself but was timed by a water clock
    • He demanded free dinner for life for all the work he did
    • Was found guilty and had a death sentence
    • Could have ran away with his friends but denied 
    • He died for his principles 

Friday's class

In Friday's class we got our tests back and went over the material and got to keep the tests. We highlighted all the right answer and went over the short answer question and the essay questions. I have been keeping them that way when the final comes up I can use them to study. He also reminded us that we have a chapter 4 test on Monday. We then went over the chapter 4 review to make sure we knew everything but we didn't get through all of it because of the bell.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Socrates, a great thinker

Today we got right to work, we watched some of the movie but stopped after we watched about Socrates to discuss him even further. We talked about how the movie portrayed the decision of a death sentence where everyone was for him dying when really it was half and half and there were only a few more people who voted for his death than to let him free. We also discussed his way of teaching, how he would interrogate his students when they answered a question to make sure they fully understood and had reason for the answer. Mr. Schick then decided to try the same and the topic was on gay marriage. We all got to voice our opinion and at the end of class I was trying to decide what I thought about it, whether I supported it or not. I was walking out of class really thinking and couldn't decide whether I do or not.  

Monday, March 11, 2013


Today we started class off by reviewing our notes that we took while we watched the movie on Friday. Since Mr.Schick wasn't there Friday he wanted to make sure we understood what he watched. We got off topic a few times but over all cleared up information that was a little confusing. He declared that we would be getting our tests back tomorrow! We went over the Persian War, The Parthenon, and other topics. Once we finish the movie I will upload my notes that I took and so far I have about six pages but I write fairly large. We finished right on time when the bell rung.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Greeks and more

Today Mr. Schick wasn't in class I think because he was with the seniors for their class trip. Instead of having Mr.Schick we had a sub named Mr. Shupe, I think that is what his name is, he was really funny and even questioned us on what we knew about the Greeks after we watched the movie. I really enjoyed that since most subs just sit there and tell us to be quiet. He seemed knowledgeable on what we were learning which was cool because most subs don't teach the subject they are subbing for. He made some jokes and no one got into trouble since the class was small and no one talked. A lot of people were at the English field trip so our class size was cut in half. Overall I learned a lot and enjoyed our sub and hope that I will have him one day during my years at John Carroll.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

The Amazing Greeks

Today we got to class and first watched a video on youtube about a man juggling two hacky sacks and one Rubik cube, while he was juggling them he solved the Rubik cube. It only took him 3-5 minutes, it was very surprising defiantly since I can't even solve them. Once we were entertained for a few minutes we got the movie started. I found out that the movie is really long like we have an hour left! We started the movie and watched it while taking notes for the rest of the class. We had a few debates in between pausing the movie but over all it was an eventful day.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Movie Continued

Today I got to class and saw that my friend Rachel was sadly not there.We talked a little bit and then Mr.Schick put the DVD in and played the movie on the Greeks. We didn't get to finish it but we were watching new stuff that we haven't learned yet. When we first watched it, it was just review on what we learned. Once we finish the movie I will post all the notes I took while I watched it. The movie was about the first Democracy that the Athens created once they overthrew the Spartans.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Video: The Greeks

Today in Western Civ we started watching a movie about the Greeks. Most of the stuff what they were telling us we already knew from previous chapters. Liam Neeson was the narrator, he is a very famous actor, he starred in Taken along with Taken 2.  We didn't finish the movie in time for the end of class so I assume we will finish it when we come back from the long weekend. I will add my notes tomorrow since I forgot my notebook at school.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Lots of Work

Today in class Mr. Schick told us we were going to do a paper about Chapter 4 that was on his website. We downloaded the paper and got right to work. So far it is pretty difficult and a lot of work and has been the hardest of all the work he has given us. It takes a while to figure out all the answers and sadly I think we have to do it for homework. The bell rung signalling the end of class along with the end of the day.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Chapter 3 Test Today!

Today we got into class and was given the test for Chapter 3. We were gratefully allowed to use our textbooks. I answered all the questions, some were challenging but it was completely fair. It took about 40 minutes to complete with some time remaining. The test overall was mixed with easy questions and challenging questions. The essay I felt pretty confident about, definitely since I had my textbook. Everyone was focused and quiet during the entire class time. Once I finished I got out my English book, Into the Wild, and finished reading the assigned chapter.  

Friday, February 22, 2013

Test Monday

Today we got right to work, Mr. Schick pulled up the Chapter 3 outline to finish going over it. After a few minutes he told us that he wouldn't be in school on Monday since he will be going on a senior class trip. Since he won't be in class he said that we weren't to use our blogs during the test since he won't be able to monitor what we will be on. He didn't want to leave us in the dark so he is going to allow us to use our textbook. He suggested us to highlight the important topics in the textbook that way it will help us study and be easier to find the answers while doing the test. Once we went over the test on Monday we continued the review while getting side track-ted a few times. We finished up the review just in time for the bell.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Chapter 3 Review

Today was the most boring class ever....but not really since we got a little off topic at times. Once he started the review I was writing notes even though he has then online so he asked, "Why are you taking notes when they are online?" I replied that it helps me remember the material (which it does) which is like another way to study for me. Then he moved on. We finished LO-1 and LO-2 and were beginning to start LO-3 when the bell rung.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Student Teacher Day

Today was very nerve racking since Mr.Schick made my group present our power point in front of the entire class....of like 10 people. Mr.Schick was going through the groups trying to determine which would be the victim that would have to present the power point. Sadly our group was the only one that had the power point completed so we were the victims. We got up there going through LO-1 to LO-3 but we didn't get to finish the LO-3 slides since Mr.Schick would explain in great depth what our slides said since we didn't really know what to say besides what was up there. We were up there for about an hour till the bell rung signalling the end of the very long class.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Test Review

Today we sat down and was handed a test, I had a minor heart attack till I realized it was the test we took last week. I did pretty good on the test; we went through the test, we went down the rows that way each student had to answer a question at least twice. Once we finished we had about 10 minutes left and Mr.Schick told us our homework assignment with our group for the power point. Now we get to add half of LO-3!!!....not really.....LO-3 is really long. We have the weekend along with Monday since we are off to work on it so it is not that bad. Then the bell rung signaling the end of our short class.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Day without Schick

Today was sadly another (really only 2nd time) day without Mr.Schick. We got to class excited for the anticipation on what we were going to be learning on a long Wednesday but once we arrived we soon found out that he was absent. Then the substitute teacher was there and said we had to add LO-2 to our power point of Chapter 3. My group got right to work and finished. Then a message came up from Mr.Schick when we were working on the power point in google present. He said we were doing a great job and that he was glad to see we were working so hard....while the others goofed off and didn't really focus or do much work. We finished our work right as the bell rung.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Power Point Worth an A++

Today we got right to work on the power point we are making on the first European Civilization. The class was split up into groups containing 4-5 people. My group was Alexandra, Mikenzhie, Rachel, and I. We finished pretty quickly while the other groups goofed off. Mr. Schick looked at our power point and said we were amazing! Once we finished our power point we did our blogs and hung out for the rest of the class!

Monday, February 11, 2013

Notes, Notes, Notes!

Today we accomplished a lot; we took tons of notes about the European barbarians (LO-1 Chapter 3). First we used the power point the company gave Mr. Schick with the textbooks then once we finished that power point we moved onto his own power point he made that had additional information that he though was important. BUT before we all started taking tons of notes we asked if our test were graded that we took on Friday and they were so we went onto Powerschool and checked them. He said the class's average score was about an 82%, not bad for our first test! Once we got into the notes we talked about the Stonehenge, a megalithic structure that is most famous built around 2000 B.C! We came to a conclusion after many minutes of discussion about how they built it that we don't know.  Some people believe that it was  aliens which makes absolutely complete sense for them to come put some rocks together, leave, and never come back.........alright sure, it was aliens. Then we moved onto some more notes!

The European Barbarians

Map of Greece

Barbarian: way of life people used to live by that was based on farming, warfare, and tribal organization that developed around 2500 B.C throughout Europe
Megaliths: very large stones cut to make monuments and or tombs
Tribe: social/ political unit containing a group with similar interests, traditions, and real or mythical ties of kinship
Indo-European: a group of nomads that most likely came from the steppes
Western: Greece was the first western civilization to connect with other civilizations 

               More than 3,000 years ago life spread southwest from Egypt. With this move, life changed with advancements such as tools, family, and village life. By 3500 B.C people started settling in Europe; this settlement had an increase in wealth along with population that allowed them to make huge monuments called megaliths. A well-known megalith is the Stonehenge, built in the western part of England around 2000 B.C. Not all of their lives were focused on megaliths; in fact the main business of life was farming and would create villages that contained many related families called tribes. This way of life was barbaric; the first European Barbarians to succeed to make contact with civilization were the Greeks.  This contact stretched from mainland Greece, to the Aegean Sea, to the west coast of Asia Minor. The Aegean region farming wealth came from grain, vineyards, and olive groves; not only were they rich in farming but also in metals and wood to build ships. A civilization known as Minoan formed from the island of Crete founded on trade and the seas that established their wealth. With a large role for women society was a large into games such as bullfights but with wealth comes destruction. The Minoans were destroyed around 1400 B.C While the Minoans were forming the European Barbarians were moving into Greece and by 1600 B.C Greek chieftains formed a settlement called the Mycenaean civilization. They proceeded with the barbaric life style but did gain features from the Minoan culture. 200 years after the fall of the Minoans the Mycenaean civilization failed. About 600 years later the Greek civilization recovered and was taught by the cultures of Egypt and Mesopotamia while still being itself. 

Friday, February 8, 2013

Test Today

Today was a fairly quiet day, I walked into class a little nervous about the test we were about to take. Once I sat down I was just about to look over my notes but right away Mr.Schick started handing out the tests. I got my test and started right away. About 2 minutes into the test he declared that we were allowed to use our notes from our blogger, sadly I forgot to put my notes up when I was planning to.Throughout the test Mr. Schick would tap his bell and tell us how much time was left. I finished with about 2 minutes. It consisted of multiple choice, short answer, and an essay.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Test Friday!

Today our class was first mod, we got a lot done and even had some extra time. We walked into the classroom and took out seats. After morning announcements we got right to work. We had to finish taking notes off of Prezi about Egypt. After we finished taking notes, we watched a video on mummification. During the process the first step is to take out all the organs and preserve them. The second step they do is put salt all over the body and let it rest for 40 days, this takes out all of the liquids. Once rested they wrap the body tightly many times and then place it in the tomb. After watching the interesting video we then proceeded on to have a little extra time to watch a video with John Green. In the video he messed up several times about the Nile going from North to South when it actually flows South to North.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Building A Pyramid with Mikenzhie

Today was the most eventful day in class, today we built a We got in class and Mr. Schick told us to partner up with someone, that someone was Mikenzhie. Once we partnered up, he explained the game we are gonna be playing. All of the partners will be versing each other, the first person to win the game gets 10 points, second person gets 9 points, and whoever finishes in class gets 8 points. The people that do it for homework get 7 points. We all started at the same time so it would be fair. The competition was on! My partner and I did it at least 4 times, but I finally got it after so much stress! We were the first people to win meaning we got the total 10 points. Once we finished I did my blog while everyone else finished up. It felt like I conquered the world once I won the game. The class was a perfect ending to the day!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Late to Class

Today I came into class late because I had to take pictures for chorus. When I walked in, people who missed the pop quiz were taking it. After people finished taking the test we went through the correct answers. Mr. Schick would call n people who knew the answer but interrogate them to make them think they were wrong but really they were right. Once we were done with the pop quiz, we went on to take glorious notes. Mr. Schick decided to change it up and use Prezi instead of a normal power point. I thought it was pretty cool. We took notes on pyramids, the Nile River, and started taking notes on the daily life of Egyptian when the bell sounded the end of class.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Western Civ Class without Mr. Schick

Today we went to room 114 because Mr.Schick was sadly absent. When we got in the classroom we took random seats and talked. Once class started the female teacher, whose name I do not know, told us that the assignment is on the website. Before I checked the website the teacher told us the pages we had to read. The pages we had to read were 20-29 and if we didn't finish reading we had to do it for homework. Thankfully I finished it, the rest of the time I had left I started writing this blog. The reading was about Egypt, the title was The Land of the Pharaohs: Egypt. It talked about the multiple wives of a Pharaoh, Egypt separated into two sections, Upper and Lower Egypt, and how the Pharaoh was man and god.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Western Civ Class on 1/25

Sadly I just looked at my grades and found out that I forgot to write a blog for Friday's class, so now I'm doing that. Friday we went over what we knew about Prehistory. Once we went over what we knew we got a pop quiz which was not good because I did not know some answers. Once we took the pop quiz we continued on to learn LO-2. We finished up the power point about Mesopotamia. During the class Mrs. Ball came over the intercom, at that Mr. Schick hissed at the sound box, telling the students that school will be letting out 2 hours early due to snow. Once the students heard about that everyone started talking and Mr. Schick then told us to be quiet. Once the announcement ended some of the students asked to call their parents and he said no. After the excitement we all calmed down and focused back on class. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Western Civ. Class- Agricultural Revolution

Today was our third day of class. As we took our seats many of my classmates stated that the room was cold and asked to get the jackets. Once that occurred we got slightly off topic about weather and jackets. Once we got on track we discussed the largest populated area away from water is Indianapolis. The majority of highly populated areas are near or around large bodies of water such as lakes, bays, and oceans. After we gave up on trying to answer the question Mr. Schick told us the answer.  Once that was all settled we finished watching the movie about Agricultural Revolution with John Green. We concluded that thousands of years ago people were much healthier and stronger. Also before farming people had a lot more free time. Farming has advantages and disadvantages but the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Western Civ. Class Day 2

Today was our second day of class. The first thing we did was discuss what we wrote about in our reports about Jared Diamond and his theory. We all agreed that Jared Diamond was on track with his theory of geographic luck. After discussing our reports we took about a page worth of notes about the agricultural revolution and humans thousands of years ago. Once we took notes about Chapter 1 we watched a video about the Agricultural Revolution. Mr. Schick played it twice for us, the first time we went through the movie without stopping it. Once we watched it once we replayed it and stopped during main points to make sure we understood. The movie was about how the world changed from hunting and gathering to technology and civilization throughout 15,000 years.